Sunday, May 9

Today's sucked. My study schedule for today wasn't a lot and it's a whole lot easier than what I have to do over the next two days. Instead of complying with my simple expectations for the day today's dragged on its feet and been annoying in so many ways. Am I too old to blame an unproductive day on a lousy mood? Can we allow this please for at least a couple more years? Am I also too old to settle for the simple pleasures of escaping Suckfest May '10 through old Gossip Girl episodes and two packs of Sour Punk? I think my teeth hurt now. What I really need is to find a saintly benefactor with a decent internet connection who's willing to download entire seasons of all the incredibly inane TV shows that I watch and bequeath them to me, since I'm too chicken to let my brother know that's what's consuming our bandwidth. So that I don't have to waste another minute of my very precious life on waiting for buffering.

It's 4 AM, internet, and I have to be up earlyish. I have so much to think about that I don't know where to start. My original plan of not thinking about any of it till my exams finish was a good plan. Fuck, it was a great plan! I was giving myself the option of chilling out and living a simple life for a bit longer. I don't seem to do simple very well, internet. And I don't think I've had to make a decision of this magnitude since the time I chose studying Economics over English. Which, by the way, was a very sound decision. Now I'm dealing with something that I thought I had already made up my mind on, but everyday I seem to find further reasons not to make this move. Which makes me sad because I thought I was braver and more open than this.

Tchah. All I wanted to do today was get my stupid chapter on 'Dealing with risk and uncertainty' done. Kaha se kaha aa gaye internet?

From The Chai Years on my blog roll:

"Man am I going to hell.

Also, online he was, twice, and I didn't say hi and what's more, Didn't Even Feel Like.

Little Victories."


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