Monday, April 11

He stood facing the shore. Behind him was empty land. He imagined what the scene would look like to a person standing behind him, with the empty blue summer sky meeting the ocean at the horizon. And him standing alone, a little ahead of the fog.
Though he wasn't really standing alone. He couldn't see her but on the other side of the ocean A was also standing, facing him. He thought back to earlier days where he'd tried to communicate by splashing the water.
He stopped doing that soon enough.
He smiled thinking of his relationship with this person on the other side of an ocean, where they looked at each other without being able to see. His palms felt sweaty in his pockets and he thought of how A and he had stood there for each other.
The sound of a bird flying over his head made him look up but he could see no bird. His eyes caught the sun overhead which momentarily blinded him. A breeze blew, ruffling his hair.
Slowly as he brought his gaze back to the horizon, he started to feel foolish. A seed of doubt.
He realised he'd spent days and weeks just standing there.
A probably wasn't even there. A was probably some person who'd idly walked onto the beach and held him in his spot by the force of a casual gaze. His palms grew sweatier. There was no way of finding out what had happened between those two shores and he'd lost whatever he had, for that seemingly brief time with A.


JP said...

Wake up young woman?

L. said...

its tiiime to waaaaake up!
good luck!
good good gooooood luck!
and hey, i sent you message on cellphone and got no reply. hmph.